Friday, March 13, 2009

Bloggity, bloggity , blog

Well, it has been a few weeks since I last posted. (Thanks for yelling at me Beckatang) I wish I could say that I just haven't had anything to post, but the truth is that I have just been very tired and more than a little busy lately.

The renovations are moving along....sorta. We kinda lost a bit of steam for a few days, but we are back on track. I will have pics soon...the luxurification process is a long and arduous one, to be sure. However, Ed assures me that there is an end in sight.....

We did manage to take a couple of days off and we took RattChuk, Anthostein and Little Bit (Anthostein's Girlfriend) to Universal Studios. It was a lot of fun. I saw all kinds of interesting characters, and some of them even worked there. We stayed at the Glendale Hilton. It was nice. I will post pictures.

I had to finally break down and do two things I HATE to do. I went to the Dr. and the Dentist. I know, right!!! After having a migrane non stop for 3 days, I really had no choice but to go. The only problem was that my Dr. was unavailable and I had to see a PA. I belive that it stands for Pain in the Ass. This idiot spent the first 15 minutes of the visit telling me what I should have done. " You should have gone to the urgent care", "you shouldn't have waited so long" , Urgent care is available in Glendale"...blah blah blah...I finally told him that he needed to stop telling me what he thinks I should have done cuz I ain't no time traveler and it isn't going to change anything, and instead he should just shut up and help me NOW. I am here NOW...FIX IT!!!! He then started to tell me about HIS headaches and I stopped him and said "I don't really care about you, FIX IT NOW!!!" After I mentioned I had an appointment with my actual Dr. on the 20th and I was going to let her know how my visit with him went, he changed his tune. I got a shot (in the butt! ) and a prescription and was on my merry way!

As for the Dntist...well....I haven't gone to a dentist in a LONG ass time and it turns out I need a deep cleaning ($360), a root canal and crown ($700), a second crown ($600) and 6 fillings ($700). Also, RattChuk went and has to have both of her bottom wisdoms taken out ($450). RattChuk has an appointment Apr 6 for her stuff andI go in for the first half of my cleaning on Apr 7. The rest will take place in June or July. Lucky me.

Work has been VERY busy. Now I'm not talking late for my break cuz I'm on a call busy, I mean 187 calls in que, admin red alert busy. I guess I shouldn't complain too much, at least I have a job. And these days that's saying a lot! Also, I will be working 14 hours OT next week. THAT will help the bank account!

We found (or actually he found us) someone that has a Monte Carlo that is for sale for $300 that has the parts Anthostein needs for Marge. Ed is going to go check it out tomorrow.
I guess that's it for now...

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