It occurs to me that since the kids have all moved out and have lives of their own (who knew???) and my shift has changed so that I no longer call Beckatang on my ride home (sadness) my life has become....quiet. Not really boring...just quiet.
Ed is away more now than ever before, and I spend an inordinate amount of time talking to the dogs. Don't worry, they don't talk back...yet
I do have a few characters at work. There's Mamma Shark. She's pretty cool. We spend a bit of time laughing every day. She had a really good boob day today. I told her so. She was happy.
Then there's Gina Marie. She is one of those "quiet, nice" girls who really isn't so nice. She comes up to my desk and says things that make me laugh out loud. She has a low tolerance for stupid people and isn't afraid to tell me when stupid is running rampant.
Kung Pao. Oh beloved Kung Pao. We kind of share a brain. At any given time, we actually finish each other's sentences...and usually that ain't good.
And when I think about it, quiet isn't really bad. It is just....different.
I guess I felt like I was supposed to be "on" all the time and forgot that it's OK to have a nice, quiet day that really has nothing going on in it but work , home, family feud and bedtime. I think I was worried that I wouldn't be interesting or entertaining, but really, no one is reading this but me, so fuck it. I will write when I feel like it and about whatever is going on.
Maybe someday after I am long gone, someone will find this and I will live on...what a maudlin thought....ugh.
BTW, Mamma Shark has another good boob day.(it is now 2 days later) She better. She paid enough for them.....
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