Sunday, April 19, 2009

Shopping trip!

Ok, so today I went shopping. Now usually it's like..big deal...who cares...whatever. But today I took Little Bit with me and we had an AMAZING time. I finally found someone who shops like I do! I do not shop like the normal person and I have found that the "normal shopper" tends to get frustrated and angry with me halfway into the trip. Not so today! I was in my own heaven!

I found SO much that I had been wanting to locate. I found the perfect curtains and sheers for the living room , dining room, and my bedroom. Also the cutest blouse (on sale, thank you very much) and was able to get Ed his annivesary present in the color I wanted. (I got him a DS) I also found a new shirt and tie in the most amazing color for him to wear when he takes me out tonight. (I KNOW!!)

Added to the wonderfullness of the day was the fact that I have discovered that I have quite a lot in common with Little Bit. Even more than before. AWESOME!!

We also had a bit of an adventure at KMart. We were in line and I was looking around and noticed a woman in front of us in line had on a kinda cute sundress. Then when she turned away, I noticed that the KMart price tag was sticking out the back. SERIOUSLY! So I pointed it out to Little Bit and she was like"Wow" and I just laughed. About that time, another cashier came over and said she would help us, and on the way over, I commented to Little Bit that I didn't know you could just buy something and wear it out the store. The Cashier overheard me and said "What?" I then told her about the woman and that I was sure she was gonna pay for it cuz the tag was sticking out and she said "I'll be right back". When she came back she was like "o, she wasn't going to pay for it. She was just going to wear it out the store." I was floored! I mean, really! How you gonna go in, try on something, leave it on, have the tag sticking out and then walk out the door?!?!?!? SERIOUSLY!! In KMART???? REALLY? Oh, and did I mention she was with like 4-5 family members and they seemed ok with it?

Now I gotta know...where were the clothes she wore in?



  1. HAHAHa BUSTED!! Oh your Hubs is going to love his DS! I LOVE mine! :) Happy anniversary

  2. Thanks! Yeah I had to get him one so I could have mine back! LOL
